Lord of Ultima Wiki
Wall tower barrikade

Barricades neutralize the troop strength of a limited number of enemy cavalry units. Neutralized attackers will not deal damage to defenders. A maximum of 50% of cavalry attackers will be affected. Barricades can only be built on the outer ring of the City Wall, and don’t count towards a city’s building number limit.

Requires: Town Hall Level 7

Level Unit Count Resource Cost Wood Resource Cost Stone Build Time Rank Points
1 16 30 90 25sec 1
2 26 60 180 5min 2
3 50 110 330 13min, 30sec 5
4 100 280 840 25min 10
5 160 830 2490 40min 16
6 240 1930 5790 1hr 24
7 350 3850 11,550 1hr, 22min 34
8 500 6600 19,800 1hr, 50min 46
9 700 10,500 31,500 2hr, 25min 60
10 1000 16,000 48,000 3hr, 20min 80
Totals 1000 40,190 120,570 11hr, 20min, 55sec 80