Lord of Ultima Wiki
Hideout 256

The Hideout is a building in Lord of Ultima. It allows safe storage of resources, preventing them from being reported by Scouts or plundered. Its capacity can be increased if built beside woods.

Requirements: Town Hall Level 2

Level Hidden Storage Resource Cost Wood Resource Cost Stone Build Time Rank Points
1 500 - 50 15 sec 1
2 1000 - 200 36 sec 2
3 2000 - 600 4 min 3
4 3000 - 1000 30 min 5
5 4500 - 1500 1 h 7.5 min 8
6 6000 - 2200 2 h 15 min 12
7 8000 - 3500 4 h 6 min 17
8 10000 - 4500 6 h 37.5 min 23
9 12000 - 6000 9 h 58.5 min 30
10 15000 - 8000 15 h 7.5 min 40
Total 15000 - 27550 1 d 15 h 47 min 40

Please note: Build times are without any Construction speed bonuses from CottagesResearch, or Faith.